Constantinos Costa, a Ph.D. Alumni of the Department of Computer Science at the University of Cyprus in 2018, was among the finalists of the 2019 ERCIM Cor Baayen Young Researcher Award for his PhD Thesis titled: "Algorithms and Indexing Structures for Spatial Big Data”. Costa completed his Ph.D. at the Data Management Systems Laboratory under the supervision of Associate Professor Demetris Zeinalipour. Costa is currently a teaching and research staff at the University of Pittsburgh, PA, USA.
The 2019 competition for the ERCIM Cor Baayen Young Researcher Award was highly competitive with 16 final nominees. A selection committee composed of members from ERCIM and Informatics Europe eventually awarded two outstanding young researchers in recognition of the outstanding scientific quality of their research and the impact on science and society they have already achieved in their short career: Ninon Burgos (CNRS) and András Gilyén (Caltech) with an honorary mention to Paris Carbone (RISE). The award will be presented at the European Computer Science Summit (ECSS) in Rome on Tuesday, 29 October 2019.