Marios Flourentzou presented his final year diploma project ‘A Case Study of Voice Recognition Technology for Developing Programming Skills for Students with Motor Disabilities’ at PETRA 2024, held in Crete, June 26th – 28th, 2024. The PETRA 2024 (PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments) conference focuses on interdisciplinary approaches aimed at improving the quality of life and human performance using pervasive technologies in various environments, such as homes, workplaces, and public spaces. Marios presented his work using the Dragon Professional speech recognition tool for coding in three programming languages: C, Java, and Python. The article evaluates the efficiency of the tool in this challenging aspect of Computer Science, aiming to facilitate individuals with motor disabilities to interact efficiently, easily, and quickly with computers, even when writing code. The poster presentation attracted considerable attention, and Marios was able to engage with several attendees, explaining methodologies followed and findings. This interaction not only validated the research work carried out but also provided Marios with valuable feedback and insights from peers and experts in the field. The work was carried out in collaboration with CYENS Centre of Excellence and the paper will be published by ACM Digital Library.